The LEAPS-INNOV project kick-off was held as a virtual meeting on 21-22 April 2022. This was an opportunity for the partners of Superflat to join together in a breakout meeting and take the first steps in the implementation of the ambitious development program foreseen in the workpackage.
Superflat builds upon the results of previous collaborations such as the CALIPSOplus MooNpics Joint Research Activity. Consequently many of the partners have already worked closely together on such projects. Superflat also welcomes several new contributors from LEAPS sources who will provide valuable input to the project.
One of the priority activities of the meeting was to initiate the formal creation of the consortium which will manage the PCP process. In particular the drafting of the Joint Purchasing Agreement to be signed by the PCP participants was discussed.
The meeting agenda is available here (members only)