Cross-validation of the surface topography metrology data of reflective X-ray optics is a critical step in improving their quality. Within the Superflat activity a specification for an Interchange Metrology data format has been developed in order to facilitate exchange of data between the principal stakeholders (spanning end-user facilities, metrology laboratories and optical manufacturers). The specification defines the minimum data and metadata required for unambiguous exploitation. It proposes a data structure which is compatible with the NeXus format (based upon the hdf5 standard) which is already widely adopted by LEAPS facilities and their users. Adopting this structure means that many software tools can read and write to the Interchange Metrology data format with no or minimal modifications. The data format is intended to assist with the application of FAIR data principles.
Universal Data Format Resources
- Description of data format and specification (LEAPS-INNOV Deliverable D3.2)
- Example data file
- The git lab repository houses many scripts developed within the Superflat workpackage to analyse interferometric data. The nexus_save function of the HeightMap class ( can be used to save to the Interchange Format “Nexus NXmetrology”. The file was used to create the example data file.
- The online visualisation tool (requiring no installation) can read the Interchange Metrology format directly.
The file structure for the Interchange Format is shown schematically below: